All competitors will be awarded a diploma of participation.
Medals will be determined by total score and not by final order.
- Classical Solo Category:
Gold Medal, Silver Medal, Bronze Medal per Division.
Medals to be determined by total score.
- Contemporary Solo Category:
Gold Medal, Silver Medal, Bronze Medal per Division in every Category.
Medals to be determined by total score.
- Ensemble Category:
One winner per Division.
- Classical Pas de Deux Category:
One winning couple per Division.
Medal to be determined by total score.
- Contemporary Pas de Deux Category:
One winning couple per Division.
Medal to be determined by total score.
New Special Prizes.
Grand Prix: Invitation to the Miami International Ballet Competition 2024 finals to be held in the month of January, that year. (Free participation in the competition plus Flight to Miami).
Based on the final scoring, the jury will decide whether this prize is awarded or not.
2 Special Prizes for soloists: Invitation to the Miami International Ballet Competition 2024 finals to be held in the month of January, that year. (Free participation in the competition) for one female and one male competitors.
Based on the final scoring, the jury will decide whether these prizes are awarded or not.
1 Special Ensemble Prize: Invitation to the Miami International Ballet Competition 2024 finals to be held in the month of January, that year. (Free participation for the whole group) Winning ensemble must maintain the same number of competitors if participating in Miami 2024.
All medalists will skip the initial application fee to participate in Miami IBC 2024. This means they have been pre-selected and may go directly to Registration where they must pay to enter the event.
Miami International Ballet Competition OPEN will recognize the TOP TEN competitors with the highest scores in each Division. A Diploma will be given.